Whether you missed a fundraising date or have used up your coupons, we have you covered! We have several more dates coming up at these great local craft breweries. Come out to support Habitat for Humanity of Chester County along with great craft beer.
A quick reminder of the fundraiser; Each book contains tickets redeemable for a free beer at each brewery between January 1 and September 2, 2019. Books are $40 (cash only) and will be sold at the following dates and locations:
Locust Lane Brewing, 50 Three Tun Rd., Suite 4, Malvern Thursday, March 14, 4pm-7pm
Rec Room by Conshohocken Brewing, 230 Bridge St., Phoenixville Thursday, March 21, 4pm-7pm
Crowded Castle Brewing, 242 Bridge St., Phoenixville Thursday, March 28, 5pm-8pm
Root Down Brewing Company, 1 North Main St., Phoenixville Thursday, April 4, 4pm-7pm
Check out our Facebook events page for more info! https://www.facebook.com/chescohabitat/events/
Special thanks to all the breweries participating:
